
14 Apr 2017

As a national integrated mining services company with excellent operational activities, with over 25 years of experience in Mining Services, PT Darma Henwa is looking for the following dynamic, highly motivated & committed key positions to support our increased target and production for join with us.

Dewatering, PAF NAF & Topsoil Supervisor
Code : DEW SPV

Job description
Provide guidance to all personnel to repair and improve the productivity and efficiency of the operational activities of the project. Supervises, directs and report, throughout the transport of top soil, management of acid mine drainage, pumping in the sump area and the watering process has been provided based on from supervisors, procedures, standards of HSE and constraints budget have been determined to ensure the achievement of the target of work per shift and supports the smooth "sequence" of mining.

Minimum Education D3
Have a minimum of 3 years in the same field
Understand the mining process
Able to understand mining design
Understand PAF & NAF concept
Have POP certification
Can operate Heavy Equipment proven by Kimper
Willing to be placed on the Site (Kalimantan Area)

For those of you who are interested to fill these positions, please send your CV to:
with the subject: "DEW SPV" before April 14, 2017

A well Organized COAL MINING COMPANY seeking for qualified candidates for their Company as :

Mechanical Engineer (Coal Mining) 

  1. Male
  2. Have experiences min 5 years
  3. Graduated degree (S-1) from Mechanical Engineering
  4. Good interpersonal skills
  5. Familiar in handling heavy equipment (Volvo, Komatsu, Catterpilar, Scania, Mercedes,etc) and prefer have experience in coal Mining
  6. Can Make a plan of service for heavy equipment
  7. Have good computer skill (Microsoft Office system)
  8. Willing to be place at South Sumatera & Jambi Area

Senior Mechanical Engineer

  1. Male
  2. Have experiences min 10 years
  3. Graduated degree (S-1) from Mechanical Engineering
  4. Good interpersonal skills
  5. Familiar in handling heavy equipment and prefer have experience in coal Mining
  6. Can Make a plan of service for heavy equipment
  7. Willing to be placed at Palembang & Jambi Area

Port Manager

  1. Male
  2. Degree graduated from Marine academy level MPB III (min)
  3. Have Experience 5 years as Port manager / Port Captain
  4. Good understanding of inter island barging & logistical aspect of coal transportation.
  5. Willing to be place at Jambi and Palembang Area

IT Engineer

  1. Male
  2. Graduated from S-1 from Technical Computer, Computer Engineering or Computer Sience
  3. Have experience in same position minimum 7 years
  4. Understand for installation of a network (LAN/WAN), proxy internet , server hardware troubleshooting
  5. Understand and having knowledge SQL command, MySQL, MSSQL and SAP
  6. Experience and having knowledge about IT related products (PC, printer, server) with CCTV networks
  7. Proactive, detail, well organized , detail oriented, and good communication
  8. Will be place in Jambi area and South Sumatera Area

Civil Engineering 

  1. Male
  2. Have experiences min 5 years
  3. Minimum S-1 graduated
  4. Good interpersonal skills
  5. Have experience for make RAB / BOQ for construction project
  6. Familiar for using Autocad software
  7. Will be placed in Jambi and South Sumatera area

Land Surveyor (Supervisor Surveyor) 

  1. Male
  2. Have Experience 5 year(s) of working in coal mining for Land Survey
  3. Understand and have skill about land survey / Topography survey system
  4. Able to make data processing land survey with software (Surpac, GIS, etc)
  5. Graduated Bachelor’s Degree from Geodesi
  6. Willing to be placed at South Sumatera Area and Jambi are

Mine Plan Engineer

  1. Male
  2. Mines Engineer graduated (S-1)
  3. Have experiences min 5 years in Mine Plan field
  4. Good interpersonal skill
  5. Able to use and operating Minescape software (preferable) and others Mine planning software
  6. Able to make a yearly planning, monthly planning, Weekly planning
  7. Willing to be placed at Jambi and Palembang Area

If you meet above requirement, please send your resume and latest photo to : kmr@thriveni.com and hr.mand@thriveni.com

PT Bina Sarana Sukses sebagai salah satu Kontraktor Tambang di Indonesia mencari individual yang berkeinginan keras dan memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk berkerja di area terpencil guna mendukung Program expansi/perluasan wilayah perusahaan beroperasi di Indonesia.

• Pria max. 40 thn
• Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik atau Diploma K3
• Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang Open Pit Mine (tambang terbuka) di area tambang batu bara atau setara.
• Wajib memiliki sertifikat kompetensi AK3.
• Memiliki pemahaman yang baik terkait Penanganan Kecelakaan, Penanganan Api, Prosedur HSE, HIRA, Inspeksi, tanggap darurat, Investigasi kecelakaan, proses audit.

• Sarjana Teknik Pertambangan atau Geologi. 
• Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun bekerja di area pertambangan. 
• Diutamakan memiliki sertifikat kompetensi "POP" 
• Mampu mengoperasikan software Mine Plan (Minescape, Surpac & Xpac).
• Memiliki analisis yang kuat dan mendetail. 
• Memiliki Time Management Skills yang baik untuk menangani multiple tasks dalam project.

• Berkomitmen dengan standar HSE dan etika berbisnis di BSS
• Diutamakan Teknik Pertambangan
• Pengalaman 2-3 tahun di Blasting 
• Memahami dengan baik Blast Design dan Blast Monitoring
• Memilki kapabilitas di electronic blasting system user dan penulisan laporan teknis
• Mampu berkembang secara indivual dan team, berorientasi pada hasil, dan fokus pelanggan
• Memilki kemampuan menulis dan berbahasa yang baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris

• Sarjana Teknik Pertambangan atau Geologi. 
• Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun bekerja di area pertambangan atau setara 
• Diutamakan memiliki sertifikat kompetensi "POP" 
• Mampu mengoperasikan software Mine Plan (Minescape, Surpac & Xpac). 
• Memiliki analisis yang kuat dan mendetail 
• Memiliki Time Management Skills yang baik untuk menangani multiple tasks dalam project
• Memiliki pemahaman yang baik blast design dan blast monitoring
• Memilki kapabilitas di electronic blasting system user dan penulisan laporan teknis
• Mampu mengembangkan diri dan team, berorientasi pada hasil, dan fokus pelanggan

• Pria max. 40 thn 
• Minimal S1/D3 Teknik Mesin
• Pengalaman minimal. 5 tahun di Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management atau setara
• Familiar dan mampu melakukan Preventive, Korektif and Predictive Maintenance untuk unit Komatsu, Hitachi, Hino, Mercy, Volvo, Caterpilar, Sandvik
• Berpengalaman dalam perbaikan mesin dan pengawasan dalam perencanaan industri pertambangan.
• Diutamakan memilki sertifikat kompetensi "POP"

• Pria max. 40 thn
• Minimal S1/D3 Teknik Mesin
• Pengalaman minimal. 5 tahun di Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management atau setara
• Familiar dan mampu melakukan Preventive, Korektif and Predictive Maintenance untuk unit Komatsu, Hitachi, Hino, Mercy, Volvo, Caterpilar, Sandvik
• Berpengalaman dalam perbaikan mesin dan pengawasan dalam perencanaan industri pertambangan.
• Diutamakan memilki sertifikat kompetensi "POP"

• Pria max. 40 thn
• Minimal S1/D3 Teknik Mesin
• Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management atau setara.
• Familiar dan mampu melakukan Preventive, Korektif and Predictive Maintenance untuk unit Komatsu, Hitachi, Hino, Mercy, Volvo, Caterpilar, Sandvik
• Berpengalaman dalam perbaikan mesin dan pengawasan dalam perencanaan industri pertambangan.

• Pria max. 40 thn 
• Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di Heavy Equipment Maintenance atau Planning Management.
• Familiar dan mampu melakukan Preventive, Korektif and Predictive Maintenance untuk unit Komatsu, Hitachi, Hino, Mercy, Volvo, Caterpilar, Sandvik
• Berpengalaman dalam perbaikan mesin di industri pertambangan

• Pria,. 
• Pendidikan minimal SMA 
• Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun sebagai foreman produksi & minimal 3 Tahun sebagai Superviosr Produksi
• Menguasai Operasional teknik Pertambangan Batubara 
• Menguasai Manajemen pemanfaatan alat-alat berat secara optimal
• Memahami & menguasai Shortterm dan Longterm Plan
• Lebih diutamakan telah memiliki Sertifikasi kompetensi Pengawas Operasional (POP) 
• Memiliki Kepemimpinan yang kuat

Kirimkan Surat lamaran perkerjaan anda, beserta CV, Photo terakhir, KTP dan nominal Gaji yang diinginkan, dengan mengisi Posisi yang dipilih pada email subject ke:

Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan kami hubungi.
We are an integrated business solution in COAL MINING industry, covering coal mining, coal concession development, coal trading and shipping. We focus on Integrated Mining Management & Operation Services, highly use of advanced technologies by adopting one stop solution as its business strategy. In order to achieve our dreams, we are seeking high qualified candidates to join our dynamic working environment. If you are a motivated high achiever person, you are welcomed to apply for the following positions

Mine Operation Control (MOC)

Qualifications : 
• Male, max 25-28 years old 
• Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineer or related discipline. Min GPA 3.00 
• Minimum 2 years experiences in the same position mining production section.
• Comprehensive knowledge of mining principles and practices.
• Mastering in mine operation & production analysis 
• Good knowledge in Minescape (intermediate level) & MS Excel
• Good knowledge in leadership & logic thinking 
• Good knowledge in mining equipment analysis & fleet calculation
• Good knowledge in mine infrastructure construction & maintenance
• Good knowledge in reporting & analysis
• Held a POP Mining Indonesia competency certificate will be an advantage. 
• Strong commitment to safety & environment.
• Willing to be located at Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan.

Responsibilities : 
• To ensure all of mine operation meet to target & considering of efectiveness, effeciency with strong commitment to safety.
• To submit comprehensive report within details in analysis
• Quick response to all of mine operation problem

Mine Plan Engineer (MPE)

Qualifications : 
• Male, Female, max 25-30 years old 
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering or related discipline. GPA 3.00 / 4.00
• Minimum 5 years experiences in coal mining exploration.
• Comprehensive knowledge of mining principles and practices.
• Hold a POM Mining Indonesia Competency Certificate.
• Mastering in Minescape (advanced level), AutoCAD & MS Excel (macro functions, what-if analysis, pivot & visual basic)
• Mastering in mine operation & production analysis 
• Mastering in mining equipment analysis & fleet calculation
• Good knowledge in mine infrastructure construction & maintenance
• Mastering in logic thinking
• Good knowledge in English.
• Good knowledge in leadership 
• Good knowledge in reporting & analysis
• Held a POP Mining Indonesia competency certificate will be an advantage. 
• Strong commitment to safety & environment.
• Good leadership with interpersonal and organizational skills.
• Willing to be located at Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan.

Responsibilities : 
• To create short to mid mine plan & its details in sequence
• To ensure all of mine operation meet to target & considering of efectiveness, effeciency with strong commitment to safety.
• To ensure the contractors well understood & implemented in mine plan
• To prepare of cost controlling & budgeting analysis 
• To submit comprehensive report within details in analysis
• Quick response to all of mine operation problem

Sales Support Administration (PROC)

Qualifications : 
• Female, maximum of 30 years old.
• Bachelor degree in Engineering / Accounting / Marketing
• Minimum 2 years experience in the same position from mining company. 
• Good knowledge about sales in coal industries 
• Good knowledge circulate document in sales process.
• Good communication & negotiation skills
• Fluent in English both spoken & written.
• Good interpersonal and organizational skills.
• Will be located in Jakarta, willing to travelling to our job site as needed

Responsibilities : 
• Receiving and processing any sales accordance with the procedure
• Create & monitoring selling contract
• Coordinate with expediter & logistic for coal delivery
• Monitoring sales process from site to buyers.

SHE Superintendent

Qualifications : 
• Male, maximum of 45 years old.
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering or related discipline. GPA 2.75 / 4.00
• Minimum 5 years experience in the same position from mining company. 
• Excellent understanding about Safety Analysis, 
• Hold a POM Mining Indonesia competency certificate. Hold a POU certificate will be a plus.
• Experience in Proper program
• Hold a K3 Umum Indonesia Competency Certificate.
• Fluent in English both spoken & written.
• Experience to conduct RKTTL.
• Excellent experience and general knowledge on basic safety, plant safety design (in coal mining field).
• Good knowledge to monitoring all the equipments activities and its basic procedure usage 
• Good leadership with interpersonal and organizational skills.
• Good knowledge in all the safety reports needed in mining field
• Good leadership with interpersonal and organizational skills.
• Willing to be located at Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan.

Responsibilities : 
• Create all the SHE programs in job site.
• Make sure all the SHE programs are applied and implemented clearly.
• Conduct Proper Program
• Conduct RKTTL with KTT

Safety Supervisor

Qualifications : 
• Male, 25 - 35 years old.
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering or related discipline. GPA 2.75 / 4.00
• Minimum 3 years experience in the same position from mining company. 
• Excellent understanding about Safety Analysis, 
• Hold a POP Mining Indonesia competency certificate. 
• Hold a K3 Umum Indonesia Competency Certificate
• Fluent in English both spoken & written.
• Good knowledge to monitoring all the equipments activities and its basic procedure usage 
• Good leadership with interpersonal and organizational skills.
• Good knowledge in all the safety reports needed in mining field
• Willing to be located at Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan.

Responsibilities : 
• Create all the SHE programs in job site.
• Will managed all the safety activities

Mine Infrastructure (MIS)
Qualifications : 
• Male, Max 30 years old
• Bachelor degree in Civil / Mining Engineering with at least 2 years in the same field industry.
• Mastering road, bridge, building and infrastructure
• Understand the management of heavy equipment 
• Preferably have skill certificate (SKA) or POP
• Have driving license (SIM A / B1)
• Have knowledge of occupational safety standards / general
• Able to operate Microsoft Office
• Willing to be located at Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan

Responsibilities : 
• Directing the equipment in accordance with the work plan that has been determined 
• Able to control, design, estimation and repair
• Conducting minor repairs on all the hauling road supporting facilities, such as water facilities fill, embankment, drainage, culverts, bridges etc.
• Create reports and documentation on a daily basis 
• Backup job in another section that section of building & facility maintenance if needed


Sinarmas Energy and Mining Group is one of the fastest growing Coal Mining and Energy company in Indonesia. Our goals are to focus not only in mining sector but also in renewable energy developments and innovative digitization. Aiming to be the number one Coal Mining and Energy company in Indonesia, we want the best assets in human resource to be our employee and part of our company’s growth.

Currently, we are looking for position

Engineering Section Head

1. Bachelor Degree in Engineering, preferably Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. 
2. Have minimum 7 years of experience in handling related field
3. Have experience in crusher system and BLC
4. Have good understanding in K3LH
5. Have experience in Autocad, Civil 3D, SAP, and Project Scheduling. 
6. Have experience create design & BOQ

Strategic Department Head

1. Bachelor Degree in Communication or Community Relation. 
2. Have minimum 10 years of experience in handling related field
3. Have experience in Land Acquisition. 
4. Have experience in CSR. 
5. Have experience handling government relation. 
6. Willing to be place in Jambi

Please send your cv to mitranti.ayu@sinarmasmining.com with subject: Position Name
Martabe Gold Mine is managed and operated by PT Agincourt Resources. The mine covers an area of 30 km2 that falls under the sixth generation of Contract of Work (Cow) covering a total area of 1,639 km2.

The resource base on 31 December 2015 includes 7.4 Mos. of gold and 69 Mos. of silver. Production commenced at Martabe on 24 July 2012. The operating capacity of Martabe Gold Mine is 4.5 tap ore to produce in excess of 250,000 oz. of gold and 2-3 Mos. of silver per annum.

PT Agincourt Resources engages approximately 2,300 employees and contractors, more than 98% Indonesians, of which 71% were recruited from South Tapanuli and other regions in North Sumatra.

To strengthen the existing management team and to ensure the achievement of the company objectives, the Martabe Gold Mine is looking for candidate to fill the role:


This position will be based in Martabe Site within Processing Department, working on schedule 4 Weeks On ; 2 weeks Off and reports directly to the Maintenance Manager.

The role of the Mechanical Superintendent is to:
• Provide leadership, managerial support and technical guidance to the supervisory team to ensure the safe and effective management of the mechanical maintenance of the Martabe Processing Plant and support infrastructure.
• Ensure the optimal utilization, planning and scheduling of all assets, resources, equipment, contractors and people through by using and enforcing the maintenance processes, procedures work management systems and Pronto.
• Assist in the Management of the shift crew supervisors to ensure that the weekly and shutdown maintenance work plans and projects are executed safely and in line with the approved work plan and production schedule.
• Assist in the develop the annual maintenance and capital budgets, long-term maintenance plans and strategies by identifying all planned and/or probable maintenance and project works required to ensure the budgeted plant performance and integrity.
• Review the weekly and monthly maintenance plans in conjunction with the supervisors to prioritizing plant requirements and optimize internal and external resource allocation and the integration of the mechanical maintenance works with electrical and the process department requirements.
• Ensure effective communication is maintained between the maintenance management team and production management team to optimize maintenance activates and plant availability. Maintain effective communications with all Key Stakeholders, including E&I, Processing, Mining, PTAR support departments and contractors regarding planned and unplanned maintenance activities.
• Assist is the recruitment of mechanical employees to ensure optimal levels of manning and skills coverage required to achieve the Maintenance Department’s objectives and service provision levels.

Candidates for this role would be expected to have the following qualifications and experiences: 
1. Graduation from a recognized TAFE or Technical collage obtaining an Engineering trade qualification in a relevant mechanical field. 
2. 7 years or more Experiences in maintenance management roles or higher in a mineral processing plant. 
3. Thorough knowledge of technical skills development in a developing country, training techniques, standards, equipment, tools used in the mechanical engineering trades. 
4. Thorough knowledge of occupational health and safety within the mineral processing industry. 
5. Superior ability to fault find and identify reliability issues with fixed plant mineral processing operations. 
6. Ability to deliver effective written and oral report, instructions and presentations. 
7. High level of computer literate with Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook. 
8. A thorough understanding on the mechanical workings and maintenance of material handling, crushing, grinding and commutation circuits, pumping and pipeline systems. 
9. Superior work ethic, be able to effectively communicate with all staff and display a high degree of respect to the local people and their culture. 
10. Have Senior First-Aid qualifications: 
• Cert IV in Training & Assessing
• Post-trade qualification from a higher education institution in an engineering field.

If you believe, you possess the skills, qualification and experience to fill in the position, please send in your CV complete with your latest photograph by quoting the position title & code on the email subject, no later than April 25, 2016 to:
Human Resources Department – PT Agincourt Resources

Our mining services are being delivered to various small, medium and large scale mining projects, each utilizing a combination of local knowledge and international experience. We offer practical solutions delivered in an environment of close co-operation with our clients and all stakeholders to ensure we provide competitive, innovative and high quality services with a positive impact on local communities and the wider natural environment. Our skilled and motivated employees are our key asset in who we are and what we do.

To strengthen the business and to ensure the achievement of the company objectives, we invite talented and the right candidates to fill the roles of:


▪ Bachelor Degree in mining engineering with 3-5 years experience in coal, copper & gold mining project, 1 years as supervisor or
▪ Senior High School with more than 5 years experience in coal mining project, 3 years at supervisor level.
▪ Strong Leadership and good communication skill


▪ Senior High School with more than 5 years experience in coal mining project, 3 years at Foreman level.
▪ Able to lead Heavy equipment operators to achieve production target safely.
▪ Have a good communication skill


▪ Senior High School with more than 3 years experience in maintaining heavy equipment, 2 years at Foreman level
▪ Familiar with wide range heavy equipment maintenance program including Excavator, Bulldozer, Dump Truck, Motor Grader, for various brand: Caterpillar, Komatsu, Hitachi & Liebherr (is a must).
▪ Able to do heavy equipment troubleshooting & periodic maintenance, 
▪ Able to lead mechanic to achieve target safely.


▪ Senior High School with more than 3 years experience in Electrical heavy equipment Maintenance, 2 years at Foreman level
▪ Familiar with wide range electrical heavy equipment maintenance including Excavator, Bulldozer, Dump Truck, Motor Grader, for various brand: Caterpillar, Komatsu, Hitachi & Liebherr (is a must).
▪ Able to do Electrical heavy equipment troubleshooting, 
▪ Able to lead Electrician to achieve target safely.


▪ Senior High School with more than 3 years experience in heavy equipment Tyre Maintenance, 2 years at Foreman level

Plan & Implement maintenance management system with AMT System to support operational in heavy equipment maintenance & repair.

▪ Candidate must possess at least a Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.
▪ At least 5 year(s) of working experience as a maintenance planner.
▪ Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Heavy Equipment Maintenance and repair.
▪ Good knowledge on maintenance planning and costing

Plan, develop, implement and evaluation Technician / Mechanic ompetency based on Employee EDP in order to meet competency standard.

▪ Minimum Diploma with 3 years experience as MechanicTrainer or high school with 3 years experience as a mechanic trainer at mining contractor.
▪ Understand concept of adult learning.
▪ Good knowledge of business processes in Plant Department of mining contractor.
▪ Excellent knowledge of mechanical competency in mining contractor.
▪ Computer literate with good (Microsoft office).
▪ Excellent leadership and communication skill..

Execute recruitment & selection process to find best employee that meet requirement.

▪ Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree of Psychology.
▪ Have 2 year(s) of working experience in mining industry is preferable for this position.
▪ Excellent interpersonal & communication skill
▪ Familiar with assessment tools.
▪ Able to conduct Interview based on BEI and Competency Based Interview.

To coordinate all HR & GA activities at Site Project, including personnel, industrial relations, recruitment, training & development, social responsibility, and general affairs to support project Operations.

▪ Bachelor Degree in Law, Management, Psychology
▪ Maximum age : 40 years old
▪ Preferred minimum 3 years experiences in doing HRGA matters at the Mining Industry
▪ Experienced in implementing National Labor Regulations such as Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan, PPHI, Kepmen perubahan perundang-undangan
▪ Experienced in handling insurance matters such as Jamsostek
▪ Experienced in Payroll system and tax pph21
▪ Experienced in doing recruitment activities for driver/operator and mechanic heavy equipment and others non staff position
▪ Experienced in conducting Walk in Interview
▪ Experienced in Industrial Relations/Community Developments.
▪ Willingness to work in remote areas (at our sites in Kalimantan) with work roster schedule

To Assist, providing advice and initiatives to project manager to optimize cost, production target and project performance and also get involve on budgeting process, analysis of cost estimate and analysis of actual budget.

▪ Bachelor degree/S1 in Accounting or Engineering (Mining/Mechanical).
▪ 2 years working as cost controller in mining related industry.
▪ Has high exposure in mining business processes which includes recognizing & analyzing the cost drivers.
▪ Advance in MIcrosoft Excel.
▪ Good analytical thinking & interpersonal skills.
▪ Good in English writting and speaking (presentation).
▪ Willingness to be placed at projects. With 8 Weeks : 2 Weeks R&R Roster.
▪ Good knowledge on heavy equipment major component and it’s cost
▪ Good understanding of Maintenance schedule & Unschedule
▪ Willing to be placed at our Site Project : East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, Banyuwangi, and South Sumatera.

For passionate and love challenging environment candidates, please send your updated Curriculum Vitae not later than April, 30th 2017 with applied position as your subject email to :
Recruitment Section – PT Madhani Talatah Nusantara

Sebuku Group is one of the fastest growing Steel and Mining Companies in South East Asia. With mines scattered all over Kalimantan, Sebuku Group seeks rapid expansion through the exploration of huge and highly prospective mining sites and growth through the acquisition of high quality Mining Assets.

We are seeking professionals who possess strong analytical thinking, proactive behavior, fast learning ability, excellent communication and interpersonal skills to join our successful team.

Mining Foreman
• Male, Max age 45 years old.
• Graduated from Senior High School /Diploma, or equivalent.
• Having minimum 2 years experience in mining area as a Foreman Minning or Group Leader.
• Responsible for the smooth process of mining from clearing land down to the stock pile.
• Preferably can operate the heavy equipment machine.
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.

Heavy Equipment Foreman
• Male, Max age 45 years old.
• Graduated from Senior High School /Diploma, or equivalent.
• Responsible for the process of management heavy equipment
• Preferably can operate the heavy equipment mechine or mechanical
• Able to manage heavy equipment operators and heavy equipment machine
• Having a good managerial skill
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.

External Relation Junior Officer
• Male, Max age 30 years old
• Graduated from Min. Diploma Degree in relevant subject
• Develop and implement communication strategies between company and local community, mediating any social problem and maintain good relationship with the relevant colleagues or community
• Having a good communication skill
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.

Production Foreman
• Male, Max age 45 years old
• Graduated from Senior High School or Diploma Degree in mechanical or electrical
• Having experience in manufacturing company (ex. Pulp and paper company, cement company or relevant) as production foreman or group leader
• Understand all of kiln process
• Having a good communication skill and good leadership 
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.

• Male, Max age 45 years old
• Senior high school/Diploma/Bachelor degree from Electrical 
• Minimum 5 years experience (Senor High School); 3 years experience (Diploma degree); and 2 year experience (Bachelor degree) as Electrician or instrument
• Having knowledge, experience and understanding about all of control system, control panel, dynamo, generator, electric motor, troubleshooting
• Able to design, draw & organize cost control
• Having experience in companies specialized in crusher, fertilizer, power plant, pulp and cement industry
• Understand all of kiln process
• High motivation, dynamic with good personality
• Having a good communication skill and good leadership 
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan

• Male, age max 45 years old
• Min graduates of Vocational High School, Diploma or Bachelor degree major in Mechanical
• Minimum 5 years experience as mechanical in a project industry, cement industry, or paper industry
• Understanding well about setting up all the production machine (include troubleshooting, preventive maintenance) and ever work for comissioning in industry area
• Initiative, communicative, and hard working
• Understand all of kiln process
• High motivation, dynamic with good personality
• Having a good communication skill and good leadership 
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.

Heavy Equipment Mechanic
• Male, Max age 45 years old
• Graduated from Senior High School /Diploma, or equivalent
• Responsible for trouble shooting, preventive maintenance, overhaul engine heavy equipment machine
• Have Basic Mechanic Course Certificate would be an advantage
• High motivation, dynamic with good personality
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan

• Male, Max age 45 years old
• Graduated from Senior High School /Diploma, or equivalent
• Having experience in maintenance repairing service (Komatsu, CAT, Hino & Support Equipment)
• Having good problem solving, initiative, strong analytical thinking, communication and interpersonal skills
• Have Basic Mechanic Course Certificate would be an advantage
• Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan

Send your complete application to: hr.recruitment@sebukuiron.co.id

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